Dreaming of a vacation? Longing for a connection with someone new?
Well, we’ve got you covered. Take a quick trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and get to know my good friend Fernanda Perez. Check out her 33 Questions video below!
Fernanda and her family quarantined in Guadalajara for over 14 days before traveling to Puerto Vallarta. Fernanda practiced social distancing and wore her mask when near others.
Please research and follow the designated protocols when traveling locally or abroad.
Fernanda’s 33 Questions
Interested in submitting your own version of 33 Questions, reach out to me here.
Fernanda’s 33 Questions Explained
- What are you doing out so early?
Reading, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. My dad gave me this book, and it’s some pretty good information here. - Who are you are?
I am Fernanda, plain, and simple. - What’s one thing that has kept you sane during quarantine?
My family. - Where are we right now?
Puerto Vallarta, which is a city in Jalisco state, which is located in Mexico. - What’s the advice you want to listen to more?
Don’t be so scared. Just do it. - Dream presidential candidate?
Someone who is not afraid to go big, and create big change. Good change. - Favorite snack?
Fruit with Tajin - What’s one cause you hold close to your heart?
Quality education. I’m a big believer that if we can provide quality education for everyone, the world would be a much better place. - What’s the best thing about New York?
There’s always something to do - Who’s your style icon?
Rihanna, no competition there. - What’s your spirit animal?
Can I say Rianna again?

- What’s something you always travel with?
Headphones. Fun fact about me. I am pretty scared of flying and music calms me down. So you will always see me traveling with headphones. - What’s the first thing you did this morning?
I checked my phone. I know bad habit. But that’s what I did. I checked my phone. - What’s your go-to karaoke song?
Honestly, I never pick songs my friends do and I always end up singing whatever they pick. - Do you have a secret talent?
If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret anymore. - Do you have any nicknames?
I have many, but one of my favorites is FP. - If you were a rapper, what would your stage name be?
Little FP. - If your life was a song, what would the title be?
Non-stop from the Hamilton soundtrack - What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I have three tattoos that I recently got. They’re all on my hands. And they each have a very special meaning. - Favorite fashion trend of all time?
- High-waisted jeans.
- What’s the priciest thing you’ve ever splurged on?
- There are many things but one recent one was my MacBook Air, but I’m going to grad school so I kind of need it.
- Last show you’ve binge-watched?
Indian Matchmaking. It’s on Netflix pretty good. - What’s one skill you still haven’t mastered?
Many, I would say [I’m a] work in progress. - You are stuck on an island, and can only choose one thing to eat forever, what would you eat?
Any kind of wrap, veggie wrap chicken wrap, you put something in a wrap, and I’ll probably eat it. - Favorite superhero?
My parents. They’re my real-life superheroes. - What are 3 that describe you?
Determined, ambitious, and happy. - What’s a guilty pleasure you have?
Cookies. - What’s your favorite activity to do in your hometown?
Eat. - Favorite quote?
Whatever it takes. First tattoo. - What’s your favorite slang word?
So extra. - What is your favorite book of all time?
I do have many, but one that impacted me quite a bit is, “The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–And How to Make the Most of Them Now” by Meg Jay - When are you the most inspired?
When I think of my future. - Top 3 things on your bucket list?
* Attend and graduate from the University of Oxford.
* Buy a place in New York City
* Spend as much time with my family as I can
Interested in submitting your own version of 33 Questions, reach out to me here.
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Image source: superjiom
Yes, I love this place