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4 Personal Development Quotes To Help You On Your Personal Development Journey

Life comes at you fast. I was recently talking to my sister and a few new acquaintances about life. What they’re doing, what they’re up to, and where they want to be going. While touching on those topics, the topic of “find my purpose” came up.

One friend asked me, “Do you think you’ve found your purpose.” And to him I said, I feel like we have different purposes for each season of our life. In this season of my life, I think my purpose is to build up communities and help them gain access to the tools they need to thrive and not just survive.

And so, I’ll ask you a very similar question, “What do you feel is your purpose in life in this season?”

While you ponder on that, I’ll give you a handful of resources to help you get a bit closer to that purpose.

4 Personal Development Quotes & Phrases To Help You Stay Grounded:

“Being delulu is the solulu” – K-pop fan community

We have the K-pop fan community to thank for this beautiful expression. I love it because as a chronic overthinker, recovering people pleaser, and perfectionist, sometimes being delusional is the best way to cope. If this sounds like you, having a healthy dose of delusional confidence and audacity will keep you creative and out of your head. If you’re a perfectionist or feel the need to plan every single detail before you do the thing, this is a phrase that you NEED to adopt.

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.” – Oprah Winfrey

I heard it from Oprah. As a plate stuffer and doer of all the things, I often go back and listen to this quote to help me slow down. It’s easy to pack it all on, but in the end that causes distress, disappointment, and stagnation. Amy Anka said it best: “With everything in life, you need to decide what it is that you want to work towards and to keep your eye firmly planted on your target.”

“What an unbelievable world we would live in if everyone were doing exactly what they were created to do.” – Oprah Winfrey

If you can’t tell, Oprah is my girl. I 100% believe that when people are not in environments and spaces that align with who they are, they cause unnecessary problems and mess up everyone else’s vibe. Many of my friends and family complain about bad bosses, impossible coworkers, and unaligned work environments. It’s because someone doesn’t belong in that environment or they’re not doing what they’re meant to be doing. It could be your coworker or it could be you. Either way, the ultimate goal is to figure it out, be in flow, and avoid stress. So I also make it a point to find my vibe and I like to help others do the same.

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” – Carl Gustav Jung

Mr. Carl was on to something. This is a quote that I constantly have playing in my head because as a big dreamer, I tend to bite off more than I can chew sometimes. And recently, I’ve been slipping, breaking promises to myself, and feeling like I’m dropping the ball. When this happens, you can feel yourself not following through on things. It starts to become a problem when the balls you’ve dropped become missed opportunities.

If you’re in the same boat:

  1. This means that we (me and you) are out of alignment and should’ve said no to those things.
  2. It’s a reminder that most of the time we get one shot to make an impression, so we (me and you) need to start doing our best to make it a good first one.


What are some of the quotes or phrases that are getting you through this season of your life? Use the notepad below to document them, and feel free to share them in with me in the comments too! And if you feel like sharing even more, drop in your answer to the purpose question as well. 🙂

Take Notes: Need to think about it a bit more? Take notes in the space below. Hit submit, and I’ll send you a copy of your notes to your email address. 🙂

Breakroom Buddha Notepad

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What’s Next?

I get it. Asking yourself “What is my purpose?” is a loaded question. And to tell you the truth, not everyone is in a place to answer this question. So if you prefer to table this question, and do a bit more self-discovery work, then check out the resources below instead.

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