Author: Deja White

Hi there, my name is Deja White, and I’m the founder of Breakroom Buddha! I'm a digital storyteller that finds comfort in connecting with new people, uncovering hidden food gems, and binging the latest television obsession. I'm on a mission to inspire others to explore uncharted territories (aka traveling more), while also successfully navigating their career journeys, and growing in their personal lives. You can keep up with all of my adventures and get inspired on, or connect via the Breakroom Buddha Instagram!

Cover Story: 73 Questions with Editor-in-Chief, Deja White

Vogue’s 73 Questions has become a popular little series in the digital space. The premise consists of Joe Sabia getting up close and personal with some of today’s most popular celebrities. The interview usually takes place somewhere significant like the celebrity’s home, or a family member’s residence. Well, today as you read this pretend like Joe Sabia is in my face grilling me, and I’m your newest favorite celebrity.

What Can I Do With a Film Degree?

“What can I do with ‘X’ degree after I graduate?” That’s a question that sits in the minds of millions of graduates every year. College and degrees are tricky, and at the end of the day, it’s just that- a degree. Yes, you went to school for 4 years and dedicated your time to studying something, BUT once you graduate with your Bachelors Degree you have the right to switch it up.

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