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80+ Adult Field Trips and Hobbies To Explore in 2024

With mass layoffs on the rise and a growing sense of disillusionment with work, there’s a resurgence in the pursuit of hobbies among adults. Yet, finding the right hobby can be surprisingly challenging. Our lives often become consumed by work, shaping our identities in ways we may not intend. Even when we strive to keep work separate from our sense of self, it has a knack for seeping into every aspect of our lives.

So, I’ve curated a list of over 80 adult field trips and hobbies to help you break free from the work-centric mindset. It’s time to reclaim your identity beyond the confines of your job title. I challenge you to explore hobbies that ignite your creativity and push you out of your comfort zone. As adults, we often fall prey to perfectionism, striving to excel at everything we do. But it’s okay to embrace being a novice, to revel in the journey of learning something new.

Sure, you’ll stumble upon hobbies you’re not particularly adept at, and that’s perfectly fine. Embrace the process of growth and discovery. And don’t feel pressured to master all 80 hobbies listed here; that would be overwhelming. Instead, take your time to explore. You can use the Ctrl+F or Command+F function on your keyboard to navigate through the list.

Before diving into the world of hobbies, I’ve got a little assignment for you. I’ve included a field trip permission slip (see above), but not for your typical school outing. This one’s a declaration—to yourself—that you’re committing to exploring hobbies that resonate with you. Take a moment to download it and sign it, solidifying your dedication to this journey of self-discovery.

And to accompany your permission slip, I’ve included a note-taking sheet. Use it to jot down your thoughts, impressions, and experiences as you delve into different hobbies. I’ve listed 12 slots—one for each month—encouraging you to try at least one new hobby every month. Trust me, by the end of the year, you’ll have unearthed a hobby that truly lights you up.

Adult Field Trips:

Field Trip Spotlight: City Walking Tours

A city walking tour is a guided exploration that takes participants through various parts of a city, often focusing on specific themes, historical sites, architectural landmarks, cultural districts, or hidden gems. These tours are typically conducted on foot and led by knowledgeable guides who provide insights, stories, and facts about the places visited. City walking tours can cater to different interests, such as history, art, food, or photography, offering both locals and tourists an intimate and detailed perspective of the city’s character, history, and culture. They are a popular way to learn about a city’s heritage, understand its layout, and discover places that might be overlooked when exploring independently.

Tried and Tested Hobbies

Hobby Spotlight: Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling, often referred to as “BuJo,” is a customizable organization system developed by Ryder Carroll, a designer based in New York. It is essentially a method that combines elements of a planner, diary, and to-do list into one simplified system. Bullet journaling can be done in any notebook and is characterized by its use of bullet points as the core structure.

Hobby Spotlight: Rollerskating

Rollerskating is a fun, versatile activity that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for decades. It combines fitness, dance, and transportation, and it can be done both indoors in roller rinks and outdoors on streets or in parks.

Hobby Spotlight: Lofi Beat Making

Lofi beat making is a music production hobby that involves creating low-fidelity (lofi) beats, characterized by their mellow, nostalgic, and slightly imperfect sound. This genre often features relaxed tempos, smooth melodies, and a mix of synthetic and organic sounds. The “lofi” quality comes from the intentional inclusion of imperfections such as background noise, vinyl crackle, and tape hiss, which give the music a warm, vintage feel.

Outside of Your Comfort Zone Hobbies

Hobby Spotlight: Running Fan Pages

Running fan pages can be a fun and rewarding way to engage with communities of people who share similar interests, whether those interests lie in celebrities, TV shows, movies, books, sports teams, or any other subject. Running a successful fan page involves a combination of content creation, community management, and social media marketing. Here are some tips on how to effectively run a fan page:

Featured hobby videos by Jared Leong. He created his space, “Not Just a Hobby” to show authentic depictions of people engaging with hobbies they love.

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