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5 Ways To Save Your Energy For Things That Really Matter

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Let’s talk about how to save your energy.

To All the People, Things, and Places I’ve Never Loved, but you thought that I did: I have a problem. And no, you’re not the problem. Well… you are, but it’s not entirely your fault. Let me explain.

I believe everything in this world is inherently good. But that’s not the problem. No, the problem is that although all things are inherently good for someone or something, I’ve failed to realize that, this someone or something is not me 90% of the time. Like so many people, I allow my time to be abused or wasted. I’m actively on a mission to combat that. Here’s how you can save your energy too!


I. Learn the Power of No:

No means no. And it’s as simple as that. When you don’t want to do something, don’t waiver and don’t allow yourself to be persuaded. Whether it’s a hard or soft “NO” doesn’t matter. What matters is that you dared to say it at all. You’ll thank me later.

Whether it’s a hard or soft “NO” doesn’t matter. What matters is that you dared to say it at all. You’ll thank me later.

II. Recognize the Warning Signs Earlier:

Learning to identify the people who have “time-abuser” stamped on top of their foreheads, early on in the game is something that I’m STILL struggling with. This can show up in several people, but most often I see this with romantic connections. Or I should say advancements disguised as romantic connections. Either way, everyone deals with it.

Yes, people play games, but they never fail to show or even tell you what their ultimate goal is. Just know that everyone has a tell, and chances are if you suck at recognizing people’s flaws early into a relationship (romantic, platonic, etc.) then you most likely have someone around you who’s great at it. Listen to your gut, or in my case, your obnoxiously opinionated little sister, they know what they’re talking about. But remember there’s a fine line between being cautious and being judgemental, and possibly ruining something good. Be smart about it.

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On the other hand, if you’re someone who has identified the early signs, but continue to ignore these cries, and form separate ideas in your head (honestly me most of the time), then recognize that. Combat this by telling people what you want, saying no to what you don’t want, and using them for all they got. Ok, that last point sounds bad, but if we’re talking about these faux romantic connections, then you and your faux connection need to come to some type of agreement, especially if no is not the answer you’re looking for. You can either enjoy the game or just completely cut these people out of your life. The choice is yours.

III. Be Selective:

Oh man, this is a hard one for me. If you’re like me, you love having a lot of people around. So much so, that it tends to get you in trouble with your real friends. I prefer to blame this on my #7 enneagram, or my outgoing ENFP personality type. Whatever it is, I’m attracted to any and everything that I deem new, shiny or fun. Do you see how this type of behavior can start to cause problems in your life? Well if you don’t, let me paint the picture for you.

Everyone does not, and will not like everything that you like. No matter how much they like you as a person, most people are not willing to budge. So I’ve learned to be selective. I have mental buckets. For the most part, I know who’s up for a challenge or one of my random adventures. I’ve also learned who the fakes and flakes are. Even if these “hi” and “bye” acquaintances happen to have the right vibe and energy at one point in time, they will never truly be for me. I’ve started accepting this and you should too.

Now, it’s your turn. This also extends to places and things! Take a quick audit of the people, things, and even places that you spend the most time with, as well as the ones you’d like to spend more time with. Place them into buckets based on both yours and their past behaviors, and began to cut off the fakes and flakes. If you need a template, check out the BB Energy Saver Checklist below!

IV. Put a Stake in the Vampires:

Sounds brutal right? It should be when you are on a mission to save your energy and time. So who are these mythical creatures I speak of? These are the people in your circle who just can’t seem to quite match your energy or level of spontaneity. That’s ok, there’s someone out there for them. It’s just not you. Assess the situation, and if you find that your light is a little dull whenever you’re around them, then began to step away from them. Let them pine over you from afar. And whatever you do, don’t go running back.

If staying away is not an option, and you need to be in their presence, then just limit how much time and energy you give to them. It’s easier said than done.

V. Sweep Up the Breadcrumbs:

Ok so somehow you’ve continuously ignored the warning signs of this person being a time-waster and energy-sucking vampire, and now you’re here. Or maybe they’ve been breadcrumbing you (aka stringing you along) and now the game has gotten a little boring. Chances are you’re complaining about them to someone, and that someone has told you multiple times to drop that person or thing that’s causing you distress. This right here is the sign that you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to finally sweep up those breadcrumbs (the person, place, or thing that’s bothering you) and throw their complete existence in the trash. Once again, this mission to save your energy isn’t for the weak. You’re welcome.


If you’ve made it this far you deserve a treat! Continue to save your energy and practice self-care with the following goodies. <3


Energy Saver Checklist & Tracker | Breakroom Buddha

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Featured Photo by: Lidya Nada

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