Best Free Career & Personality Quizzes to Take in 2023

If you’re having a bit of trouble finding your dream job, ideal company, work environment, or want to work on your self-awareness, this post has a plethora of career quizzes to help you out!

I’m big on self-discovery, and the career assessments that I’ve listed below have helped me personally learn a lot about myself while I was on my job search. I’ve even used these quizzes to answer questions about myself during my interviews.

For example, I’ve been asked to describe my strengths and weaknesses in almost every interview. I used to hate answering these interview questions, but after taking quizzes like the ones I’ve listed below, they become a little easier to answer!

Career Explorer Career Quiz

About Career Explorer: Career Explorer offers a lengthy career quiz that really focuses on the details of how you work, which environments you’ll thrive in, your past work history, and your personality. After taking their quizzes, Career Explorer states that you can expect to:

  • Learn what makes you unique.
  • Find the path that’s right for you based on your strengths, interests, and personality.
  • Learn which career paths you’ll find most fulfilling.
  • Explore over 1,000 careers and degrees, and learn who thrives in them and why.

Why I Love It: This quiz is the real deal! I’m not going to lie, this quiz is a bit long, so you should only take it if you have time to dedicate to it. I loved this quiz because it highlighted my career archetype, as well as the top careers that fit my personality.

The roles that were listed did fit my personality and I’ve actually thought about pursuing a few of them at some point as well. I spent a good amount of time diving a bit deeper into each role using Career Explorer’s career landing pages as well. Not everything is free, but you do get a good bit of information with their free services/results. Take Career Explorer’s Career Quiz Now!

career explorer career quizzes

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The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment

About The Predictive Index: The PI Behavioral Assessment dives into your work style. They do this by asking professionals to answer just two questions. After answering those two questions, PI measures key behavioral drivers like:

  • Dominance – the drive to exert influence on people or events.
  • Extraversion – the drive for social interaction with other people.
  • Patience – the drive to have consistency and stability.
  • Formality – the drive to conform to rules and structure.

Why I Love It: This is wildly accurate. I was actually surprised by how accurate it was because it only asks two simple questions. I compared my results with my coworkers, and we were all pretty similar. It also made sense for the type of work that we do every day. On top of that, I was able to learn the best ways to communicate with my manager. It’s helpful! Take PI Behavioral Assessment Now!

16 Personalities Test

About 16 Personalities Test: The 16 Personalities Test aims to teach you what drives, inspires, and worries you, and ultimately help you build more meaningful relationships.

Why I Love It: This particular quiz isn’t labeled as a career quiz, but you can 100% use it to dissect how you work with your colleagues, how you handle certain situations, and more. It really focuses on your life drivers. It’s interesting because as you grow and evolve, so will the results of this quiz. So, I’d advise anyone who takes this quiz to do so every couple of years. For example, about 5 years ago I was an ENFP, and now, I’m an ENTP. That’s a major shift. So I’ve changed through life roadblocks, career obstacles, and more. Even if you’re familiar with your personality, you might need a refresher about what drives you and how you can better get along with others! Take The 16 Personalities Test Now!


career quizzes breakroom buddha article

Lensa’s Work Style Game

About Lensa: Lensa is on a mission to make it easier for professionals to land their perfect job. They do this with a variety of career resources, including a Work Style Game! Instead of taking traditional career quizzes, candidates are prompted to play an 8-minute game. They can only play it once. After playing this game, they instantly receive a report breaking down their soft skills, ideal workplaces, behavioral strengths, and famous people who also have their generated work style.

Why I Love It: This quiz is spot on. I’m still not entirely sure how the game that I played resulted in the report that I was given, but however they did it, I like it. I also like that they supply explanations for your particular work style, because that’s extremely helpful when speaking about your strengths during interviews or on your resume. Lensa also mentions that these results are used to recommend jobs to you that better suit your work style. The best part, it’s all free. Play Lensa’s Work Style Game Now!


Will you be using your career quiz and game results on your resume, your upcoming interviews, or in your next networking chat? Let us know in the comments below!


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