interview database.

Frequently asked questions.

If I don’t get the job, can I still contribute to the database?

First, we’re so sorry to hear that! If you need additional job search resources, check out some of our job search resources to help you out. We’d also still like to hear about your entire interview experience. From the time you received a message from the recruiter, all the way to your last message with the hiring/recruitment team. You are now an expert in how the interview process works for a specific company/team.

At which stage of the interview process should I fill out this form?

Our goal is to make sure that this database is as accurate as possible for current job seekers. Please only put your information in the database if you have chatted with the recruiters/HR teams, made it to the interview, and have also completed the interview round(s). If you have successfully landed the job, please also fill out the database. We’re excited to hear from you.

How will my information be shared?

Your advice, ratings, and descriptions will be shared. This ensures that job seekers, like you, are well-prepared before going into their job interviews. All of this information will be shared anonymously. Sensitive information (i.e. the date you applied) is used internally to make sure that the advice is up-to-date and accurate for those who are preparing for their interviews. This information will not be shared publicly. You can view the database here to see how information is displayed.

I’ve interviewed for a lot of roles. Can I submit them all into the database?

Yes of course! Feel free to submit as many experiences as you’d like. We have a goal to reach 1,000 jobs by the end of the year, and you can help us achieve that goal.

Share the database form with your friends and family to help us reach our goal!

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