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Corporate Girlie Self-Love Starter Pack

I’m a corporate girlie…

Of course, I give myself pep talks. Haha

V-day is normally about showing love to others, but I’m taking the day to update my corporate girlie self-care starter pack. Below you’ll find a few affirmations and reminders to help you stay balanced in the workplace. Enjoy!

Workplace Affirmations

Work can get hard. So when it does, you have to remember who the 🤬🥵 you are. To make sure never let anyone dim your light, recite the affirmations that resonate with you the most.

❤️ I am resilient, capable, and deserving of respect.

❤️ I am in control of my reactions and emotions, no one else has power over me.

❤️ I trust in my ability to navigate through challenges and emerge stronger.

❤️ I refuse to let toxicity dim my light; I shine brightly regardless.

❤️ I am surrounded by positivity, kindness, and understanding, even if I have to seek it outside of work.

❤️ I am valuable, and my contributions make a difference, no matter how small they may seem.

❤️ I release any negativity directed towards me and choose to focus on positivity.

❤️ I trust in the process of growth and transformation, knowing that this experience will make me stronger.

On-Going Life Reminders

Mariah Carey Mindset: In the words of Ms. Mariah Carey, be the best you can be with what you got. LOL. You got this!!!

If you want to avoid wrinkles, heartaches, and burnout, start practicing the following — both inside and outside of the office.

🔔 Leverage Your Strengths & Talents: Idk about you, but leveraging my strengths and talents makes my life so much easier. And I like life when it feels a bit easier. Reflect on your own strengths and talents to tap into your own version of “easy.”

🔔 Challenge Negative Self-Talk: Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself and challenge negative self-talk. Replace self-critical thoughts with more balanced and compassionate ones.

🔔 Practice Gratitude: Can you make yourself a promise? Set a goal to reflect at least once each week. Showing gratitude can help shift your focus from what you lack to what you have.

🔔 Set Realistic Goals: You know I stan being delulu, but there are times when being realistic can spare you a lot of unnecessary stress and disappointment. In moments like these, it’s important to set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to build confidence and momentum.

🔔 Limit Exposure: Minimize exposure to toxic environments and individuals whenever possible by taking breaks, and seeking places that are additive to your life.

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