Daydream to Dream Job Workshop

Welcome back, dreamers!

For those who attended our in-person workshop, “Daydream to Dream Job,” here’s a recap to refresh your memory and keep you inspired on your career journey.

Whether you’re a high school student looking for resources or you’re looking to explore different professional paths, this recap will serve as a guide to help you navigate the key concepts we explored together.

  • Foundations of Career Planning: In the workshop, we began by demystifying career planning. Remember, careers are meant to be enjoyable, so if you’re not having fun, it might be time to reassess. Your career is your unique journey, so embrace your individuality and tailor your experiences to suit you. Self-discovery is key; identify your strengths, weaknesses, and passions. Cultivate a supportive network, prioritize lifelong learning, and strive to make a positive impact through your work.
  • Dreaming Out Loud: We delved into the powerful exercise of dreaming out loud. By journaling and visualizing your dream job, you gained clarity on what you truly desire in your career. Through this process, you defined the essence of your dream job—how it looks, feels, and aligns with your aspirations.
  • You Met Your New Career Bestie– Career Co-Pilot: Next, we used Career CoPilot, an AI Career Coach. You inputted your dream job descriptions into the tool, which generated a curated list of potential careers that resonated with their aspirations. This personalized approach helped you identify roles where you can thrive based on your unique preferences and qualities.
  • Crafting a Career Plan: Armed with insights from Career Co-Pilot, we transitioned into crafting actionable career plans. Whether short-term or long-term, these plans provided a roadmap to success. We discussed the distinction between short-term and long-term goals, and I provided examples to illustrate the process. Through Career CoPilot, you also received step-by-step guidance on navigating your educational and professional paths to realize your dream jobs.
  • Visualizing Success with Vision Boards: Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams. We explored how to create vision boards using platforms like Pinterest, allowing you to visually represent your career aspirations. These boards serve as daily reminders of your goals, keeping you focused and motivated on your journey.

See the full presentation below!

More Resources

To support your career endeavors, below you’ll find supplementary resources tailored to college-bound students and those entering the workforce. These resources provide valuable insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions and pursue your goals effectively.

College-Planning Resources

  • College & Career Knowledge Center (Idaho Works): Idaho Works provides tools for all students in the USA (not just Idaho residents!) No matter what information you’re seeking—where to get training, how to pay for a degree, or how to find a new career—you’ll find answers here. 
  • College Entrance Exams Resource Library (Idaho Works): Most four-year colleges require students to take a college entrance exam. Learn about the differences between the exams and how to prepare for the test(s) you plan to take.
  • Grade Level Pathways (Idaho Works): No matter how far along you are on the path to high school graduation, Next Steps Idaho’s grade-level pathway plans will help you plan for your next step.
  • Self-Assessments & Planning Tools (Idaho Works): Use these interactive quizzes and planning tools to explore how your interests can translate into a rewarding career. And, make a plan to get there.
  • College Resource List (Collegebound): A list of general, financial, and test prep resources for students, interested in attending college.

Workforce-Planning Resources

  • Job Seeker Resources (Oklahoma Works): Get help with finding and securing work, or taking advantage of resources to help you succeed in today’s job market.
  • College & Career Knowledge Center (Idaho Works): Idaho Works provides tools for all students in the USA (not just Idaho residents!) No matter what information you’re seeking—where to get training, how to pay for a degree, or how to find a new career—you’ll find answers here. 
  • Self-Assessments & Planning Tools (Idaho Works): Use these interactive quizzes and planning tools to explore how your interests can translate into a rewarding career. And, make a plan to get there.
  • Career Exploration & Skill Development Resources (Youth.Gov): Youth.Gov provides numerous resources to help youth get a sense of their interest and skills, gain employment experience, and learn about employment opportunities.

Career Planning Examples for Early Career Professionals

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