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5 Ways to Finding Your Voice Through Writing

If you want to start a blog, journaling practice, or just find a new way to express yourself, this post is for you.

Expressing yourself in any written form can be hard. When you’re spilling all of the beans about your personal life, even if it’s just for your eyes, it can be even harder. BUT, don’t you worry. I’ll share how I shook off my self-doubt, mastered my writing voice, and learned to just let go and write!

Let it All Out

First and foremost, you need to dump everything that you’re thinking about onto a blank page. Go off on a tangent, no matter what time of day or what you’re doing. When inspiration strikes it strikes! Personally, I keep both physical and digital notepads to help me organize my thoughts. 

Here are a few of the tools that I use to take notes:

As long as you keep it light, and don’t take your notetaking process too seriously, you’ll be okay! For me, my notes reflect me in my rawest form. The best way to remain true to yourself and your voice is to start with an authentic foundation.

Find Your Inspiration

If you’re stuck or don’t know where to start, you can draw your inspirational tangents from just about anything. These include:

Establish Your Footing

If you choose to blog or write for the public, this is where you convince the people that you know what you’re talking about. AKA this is where you’re confidence shines.

I’m going to go ahead and expose, that I’m a perfectionist, and it absolutely drives me insane! AHHHH. Even I run into roadblocks when I make it to this step, and keeping true to my authentic voice becomes a problem, when I’m focusing on making sure I don’t look silly in front of my friends, family, and whoever else is reading my content.

When establishing my footing, and maintaining my authentic voice, I constantly remind myself:

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Ultimately, in order to become more comfortable with yourself and your writing, you need to step outside of your comfort zone. Above, I listed out the technical ways that you can grow as a writer, but this tip is all about growing via life experiences. I’m a firm believer that you’ll open up and become more of who you’re meant to be when you let go and allow yourself to experience new things. 

Don’t know where to start? Start by asking yourself a few questions, such as:

The questions above are just the start of breaking out of your comfort zone. Once you nail down what you want to do, you have to make a manageable game plan. One that works for you! Don’t think too much, and just do it. Start traveling, going to local events, and just experiencing life outside of your comfort zone! 

Personally, I’ve created a bucket list and “monthly comfort zone” challenge experiences for myself. You can use mine as inspiration, and start adding items to your own bucket list! A lot of these experiences have also moved to virtual events, so there are no excuses not to get out and experience something new!

Here are a few tools that I’ve used to build my personal bucket list:

Design Your Life of Yes

Also, I’m extremely into the idea of Designing Your Life of Yes! My need to design my life of yes came after I attended a session with the master motivational speaker, Saya.

Her LIfe of Yes virtual experience was like a step-by-step guide on how to step outside your comfort zone, and design a life that works for you. Saya does an amazing job laying out the blueprint for living a life of YES! Check out her TEDx Talk below for a bit of a pep talk, as you begin to think of ways to step outside of your own comfort zone.

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